Teaching Program

Teaching ProgramThe DYCLAM+ mobility

A priority in the international framework of UNESCO and Europe, the question of cultural heritage and landscapes is at the heart of complex issues of geopolitical, environmental, social and economic dynamics of territories. Responding to these issues requires knowledge and skills in several scientific and applied fields (urban planning, architecture, archaeology, geography, environment, economy, ethnology, communication, geopolitics...), global understanding of which is often difficult, if not impossible, in the academic environment and the professional one, which is often very specialized.

Building a true transdisciplinary know-how, going well beyond interdisciplinary collaboration, can only be done through a practice that relies on specific fields of intervention with an adapted methodology. The mobility of students becomes fundamental, as it responds to the need to understand cultural diversity and to approach solutions. Physical and intellectual mobility is therefore an organic component of the joint Erasmus Mundus Master's program Dynamics of Cultural LAndscape, Heritage, Memory and conflictualities (DYCLAM+).

The Master DYCLAM+ proposes a coherent course of four semesters with a 1st semester at the University Jean Monnet (UJM) of Saint-Etienne (France), a 2nd semester at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT) in Maçao (Portugal), a 3rd semester at the University Babes Bolayi in Cluj (Romania). Finally, a 4th semester will take place with a two-month mobility at the University Federico II (UNINA) in Naples (Italy) or with a two-month internship.

After the 4th semester the student must:

  • either carry out an internship (4 months), which gives rise to a detailed report and is the subject of a presentation before a jury composed by the Consortium, which will evaluate the internship, the report and the performance
  • or to carry out a research project which will lead to a research dissertation; the dissertation must be supervised by a supervisor (chosen from among the partners of the Consortium) and the student must report regularly on the progress of his work which will be evaluated by a jury composed by the Consortium.

If, for the 4th semester, the student decides not to follow the curriculum at the University Federico II of Naples, he/she must do an internship in one of the partner organizations or in an organization with which an agreement will be made with the Jean Monnet University. In this case, instead of the diploma of the University Federico II of Naples, he/she will receive a certificate from the associated partner who will have supervised the internship.






September – Mid- February

 University Jean Monnet

Saint Etienne (France)


Mid-February – Mid-July

Polytechnic Institute of Tomar

Mação (Portugal)


Mid-September – Mid-February

University of Babes Bolyai

Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


Mid – February – Mid- march

University Federico II of Naples

Naples (Italy)

Pedagogical Formation

DYCLAM+ is a unique training and skills development program involving disciplinary fields (environment, engineering sciences, humanities, law, digital sciences); academic world and professional reality; culture and technology; international and national institutions; geographical areas.

It is the only training program of its kind that offers a global approach to the worldwide mutations of the heritage issue and that is able to mobilize international institutions, national ministries, NGOs, associations, research laboratories, cultural and heritage practitioners, and businesses. The range of our contributors testifies to this desired plurality, which, in addition, constitutes a community likely to provide our students with real prospects for internships and employability. The aim is to train professionals in the analysis and management of heritage and landscapes in danger for geopolitical or economic reasons. For us, excellence is first and foremost the originality of the training, the quality of the teams and its international recognition.

DYCLAM+ has been designed to allow students to learn progressively over the course of four semesters and to provide them with skills and knowledge in line with the needs of future employers. The first three semesters (UJM, IPT, UBB and UNINA) are structured around a unique matrix of 5 teaching units (TU):


TU1 Epistemological concepts and issues

TU2 Institutional and legal knowledge

TU3 Analysis and Management of risks and conflicts

TU4 Digital and Human Mediation and Remediation

TU5 Dynamic tools for intercultural projects

View the «Teaching Program.pdf» online

The diplomas

According to the European Commission, "the successful completion of the joint Master’s program should lead to the award of a double, multiple or joint degree" (cf. Implementing Joint degrees in the ERASMUS MUNDUS action. https://agence.erasmusplus.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/EC0120644ENN.en_.pdf )

DYCLAM+ allows students to obtain a multiple master's degree, considering national legislations.

Students will be awarded a multiple degree combining 3 national degrees, delivered on behalf of all partners by the coordinating Jean Monnet University.

  • The DYCLAM+ university diploma delivered by the Jean Monnet University (France) and the master's degree in History-Civilizations-Heritage delivered by the Jean Monnet University (France)
  • The certificate Técnicas de Arquelogia – Area de Especializaçao em Gestao do Patrimonio Cultural, Polytecnic Institute of Tomar (Portugal), accreditation reference n°ACEF/1213/20572
  • Master’s Degree in Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations, Université Babes Bolyai ; accreditation reference n° 4987/08.08.2012.

Depending on their choice of professionalization for the 4th semester, one of the following degrees/certificates will be added:

  • Master Materiali e tecniche costruttive per il recupero del paesaggio culturale mediterraneo de l’université Federico II de Naples ; Decreto Rettorale n. 303 del 27 gennaio 2009. Habilitation without date limit
  • or a Certificate from an associated host partner and certification of professionalization issued by the DYCLAM+ Consortium.

A joint Diploma Supplement will also be delivered, specifying the competences acquired by the student, the languages chosen and followed (specifying the level of the student on the basis of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages), the additional specializations that the student has added to his or her personal pathway and, finally, the elements of the program, the nature, the level, the context, the content and the status of the studies successfully completed. The Diploma Supplement includes the essential elements of the Europass model.

Here is the model of the agreement that will be signed between the students and the Consortium: View file "Sample Student Agreement JMD.pdf" online